Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Woooooo!! *lifts shirt*

SPRING BREAK 2007! Yeahhh!

I am so excited, I'm about to pee my pants every time I think about it. I got an email from Clément today! He's freaking out, I'm freaking out, I'm going to stop by my acting atelier and suprise everyone. Its gonna be hilarious.

The weather may be shitty, but that's alright. I don't even care.

France, friends, food, and sex. What could be better?

nothing i tell you!!

I should have gone to the museum exhibit for my history course this afternoon but I forgot about the faculty meeting. Which was great actually, we've got a lot of interesting prospects on the horizon. Naomi Wallace and a workshop for the Public, Matthew's crazy musical called Laughing Pictures, and still of course Cloud 9 possibilities. Plus another Naomi Wallace play. Or Kate Crackernuts by Sheila Cunningham. Awesome.

Anyhow, because I didn't go to the museum today I have to go tomorrow. But I also need to get my haircut. And work out. And did I mentioned I have an exam at 4pm? I'm gonna have to go to Theatre History, book it to the museum, get a haircut, and high-tail it to the exam, hoping I studied enough the night before. I hope this isn't the world's worst plan.
I got an 89 on the last exam, I almost blew an ovary. Talk about petty deductions. One point? Really? I feel like history teachers expect a lot out of me because contribute a lot in class discussions and so they hold me to a different standard on exams. No fair man, I'm ADD, I have serious limitations! I just hate to dissapoint this professor, I really like him a lot.
Man, I have got to make it to that museum tomorrow. Fuuuuuck. Well if I get out of class at 11:30 I should be good and done by 3pm, I mean that is way more than plenty of time. Ok. I think I'll have some time to study, this is good.

After that I can just pack for my trip! Eeeeee so excited!

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