Sunday, February 18, 2007

Oh My God I Forgot How Great Weekends Are

Have I never lived a weekend before? This seems completely novel and new.

I have been so DAMNED relaxed and yet PRODUCTIVE this weekend! Ok, well yesterday I did nothing, but then in the evening I roasted a chicken! A whole chicken! And then Tim and I watched À Bout De Souffle which I think was the best movie I've seen in a long time. I was really stoned to be honest, but I still think it was really good.

And today I finished the final incarnations of my resumes, finished my Cherubs application, emailed my professors for recommendations, and did my business card. Oh and wrote a cover letter, which i think is really good.

And I had pancakes and scrambled eggs for breakfast and watched a show on the Discovery Channel about Killer Bees. And now Morgan and I might go out to Queens to see Ian and Vince.

I swear there has never been a weekend before in my life.


Also I made a realization (the little philosopher):

We are all cowards. Of loneliness, of death, of growing old, of love. We are all cowards. To each his phobia.

Nous sommes tous des lâches, tous lâches. De la solitude, de la mort, d'agir, de l'amour. Nous sommes tous des lâches. Tous phobiques.

Tu vois ta petite Linotte? Elle est très forte, elle pense beaucoup. Tu devrais être fier d'elle, hein?

ciao bises!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

oui en effet elle est forte ma petite linotte, j'avoue que cette thése refléte beaucoup ce que nous sommes et plus en particulier ce que je suis, un phobique, un homme à la peur vicérale de ce trouver en train de faire une erreur, un homme qui vieillit bien ou mal, seul l'avenir nous le dira. Je vois que tes week ends sont bien ocupé j'en profite pour te dire que tout avance dans la vie, mais surtout le temps et lorsque l'on s'en rend compte que trop tard. Voila je venais jeter un oeil à ton blog il est toujours aussi bien ;)
je t'embrasse my black pearl ;)