Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Ah the New Year...

On this, now the second day of 2007, I'm reminded of a quote from a very deranged-yet-brilliant man.

"They say that time changes things, but really you have to change them yourself"

Andy Warhol.

Which is lovely and empowering and inspiring and all that crap. But then I'm reminded of the giant emotional sink-hole that is the one thing (although really its a giant snowball of a million things, but we'll just sum it up into one thing) that I can do absolutely nothing about. Really. I can't do anything, except maybe completely crush what's left of the parties involved, and that's a negative change, we don't like those. Those are bad. Imminent, regardless of my ardent and exhausting efforts, but bad.

Here's my new year's revelation:

Family: the new f-word

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