Tuesday, June 20, 2006


I'm avoiding finishing my last term paper, even though I have got to finish it tonight.
But if I finish it, than I turn it in.
If I turn it in, then I have to leave.
So, if I just never turn it in, I think maybe I get to stay...forever?

That sounds logical.

1 comment:

naporeon said...

Sometimes, when I'm very bored at work (which, sadly, happens at least once a week), I like to read the blogs of friends of friends. Sometimes, this practice leads me to interesting pages. Other times, it leads me to big, bright, scary pages, that make me wonder why my friends have linked to them in the first place. And still other times, I leave messages, basically because I'm an attention whore, who will stop at nothing to get people to look at my blog. But at least I admit it, right? That makes it a little better, surely.

That being said, my name is Eric. I'm a friend of Mara's.

P.S. No, seriously, look at that MySpace page I linked to...so many sparkling .gifs. *shudder*